House matters. Things better written than said. All that junks.



*Currently listening to Anthony Hamilton*

  1. Nothing beats Anthony hamilton when it comes to contemporary soul
  2. NN's friend told her (i) the blog is funny (ii) KJ is the funniest of the bunch.
  3. KJ is the only person in the whole freaking house that has no exams or whatsoever next week. All together now...We hate KJ! We hate KJ! We hate KJ!
  4. I did not see or talk to Mel at all yesterday. Are you home, Mel?
  5. I have neck pain. Damn it.
  6. The picture up above...Yeah, that nice picture up above. That's the view from my window.
  7. I'm so lazy.

Life's life


Capital C: Wow! Looks nice and delicious...Did you cook this Mel?

Mel: Yeah...Hehehe

Capital C: Can I take some pictures?

Mel: Yeah

Life is unfair. Look what I had for dinner yesterday.

It's no wonder why I'm so thin.

Then again, I'm not the worst in the is actually not that bad.

NN: Can I have that small piece of pizza toppings?

Flav: Uh huh...

NN: Emmmmmm...

Flav: You didn't take the one that fall off...did you?

NN: *%#%$@!

Guilty Pleasure


Okay okay. I said no video unless it's a good one. Well, what do you know. Here comes a good one. If you watch Desperate Housewife, you'll like this one. And yes, I do watch Desperate Housewife. So what? It's a good show. Funny show. And if you watch Oprah as well, you probably have seen this. Oprah on Desperate Housewife. Enjoy!

I say


I couldn't think of anything decent to write about today. Not that I write everyday but I just feel like writing. Mel and KJ had commented about me putting tons of videos on the blog. They're not really keen on the idea of me sharing with you, people of the world, what I find to be visually-stimulating piece of art. I might sound annoyed but believe me I'm not. Well, I'm trying my best not to...

So, from now on, there'll be not as many videos as it used to be. From me anyways. There'll be some. Good ones. As good as something that you should see once before you die, and if you die before seeing them, sorry to say but your lives sucks.

No video today. Obviuosly. But I have pictures. Visually-stimulating but lack that sense of kinetics and 3D.

I took this photo on the 3rd of April. Yeah, my birthday. Mel and I were on our way to meet up with the other three housemates. I like it. Very ghetto-like work. Nice, aint' it?

What do you think of this photo? Personally, I think this photo has huge element of motionless. Gloomy and sad. Just like the house I'm living in. Hahaha

Sarawak Election on 20th May


I was just reading some local news and I'm just wondering if Mel and Annie have registered to vote. Have ya?

Advertisements...and then some


MadTV crew doing what they do best. Make me laugh. Don't ever think of buying ovens for your children. Remember that.

Popcorn. That guy is a sad case.

I know what I'm going to say next would damage my reputation...I still have to admit that this one did give me a shock. A minor shock. It's all because I was watching this at 12:30am.

I'm deaf...

I wish I can play at least one musical instrument.

Old timers know how to have fun. Learn from them. I wonder what those in the same room were thinking at that time...

So Sorry by 'Madonna'


I should know schizophrenia from A to Z by now. But I don't. My psychiatry book is lying comfortably untouched next to my laptop. It has been lying there for the past two hours. Two hours ago I told myself that I'll start reading in half an hour time. Two freaking hours have passed and I'm still typing away on my laptop, reading blogs, browsing Google Video, listening to some old hip hop... I'm such a procrastinator. Gold medal when it comes to that. Anyhoo, I hate feeling depressed. That reminds me that I've yet to read on depression. Okay, I didn't particularly laugh when I saw this video. Madonna is okay and I don't know how and if a drag queen lip-syncing to Madonna is funny. Watch it and tell me.

Found this other one. It's in Spanish I think. Another parody of Madonna's other song. Enjoy or be grossed out by it...



One of my favourite pets is cat. Well, I like cats and dogs. That's all. I don't like fish or iguana or snake or whatever. I'm pretty much conventional with my choice. Dog and cat would do me good. But this time, I'm just going to give a tribute to cats. Cat after all comes first alphabetically. Here goes...

Cats are cute

Cats play (or sleep) a lot

Some can talk!

They don't like to share their food

They're just so cute


Fat fat

Long live Bast...hehehe... and Happy Easter

KJ and His Nap


Kj.. loves taking a nap.. during weekdays mostly.. as soon as he gets home.. He would usually look very tired and so off he goes to sleep after texting a few friends.. he's well known for texting at a very high speed without T9 Dictionary function-he doesnt believe in them. A few hours later... RINGGGGGGGG.. that's the first Alarm Clock.. and I can even hear that from my room.. sometimes that could go on and on.. say maybe 20 secs... and you might be thinking.. ha.. finally he's awake.. BUT.. NO.. If you didnt hear any sound of him moving his chair.. He's not awake yet..

His favourite line would be.." Mel.. I am taking a nap first.. I will wake up at so and so.. and then cook.." Last night.. he said he would wake up at 8pm but why did he set the alarm clock to 8.30pm? Hmm..anyway..does it matter because he went back to sleep.. I was not that hungry yet so it doesnt matter.. BUT.. he's not even awake 2 hours later.. SO I HAD TO DO SOMETHING... so.. I went to his room to wake him up.. and he asked me.. u mind eating maggi mee for dinner? Sempat lagi nak negotiate..

Why is KJ tired? Probably because he sleeps late almost everyday.. I really dont know how he can manage that.. Why late? because he needs to fill up the bottle(s) in his room with water that he boiled previously while having dinner.. So that's KJ..

Hmm.. like he said.. my exam is so farking near.. but KJ.. come on.. I told u before I dont mind cooking-I would cook EOD if I dont have any exams.. and I need a break.. but from today onwards.. I may need ur help..sometimes.. to prepare dinner.. for me.. (What would I do without you.... ??) Ok la.. Bye Bye!

What you talkin' ah?


So I found this new video and ah... I want to share it with everyone and ah... It's so funny and ah... I hope everyone will enjoy it and ah... Laugh as hard as they can and ah... Drink wine after that and ah... Go to a new galaxy and ah... Look for a flying saucer and ah... Bush's campaign and ah... Just freaking enjoy it ahhhhh

Tak nak Ketinggalan!


Wow.. all of them wrote something last night... and they have commented every single thing that happened.. here at home.. except the part that we are still pretty curious as to WHO ON EARTH IS THIS ANGEL OF FINAL MED. KJ said-Yani, I thought it was Thekiso.. NN and Flav thought it was Cap C.. and the conversation went like this yesterday when Cap C reached home after the 2 hours bus trip from RosCommon

Me: Have you seen the blog?

Him: No.. why? What happen? Eh.. tell la tell...

Me: Do you have internet connection in RosCommon?

Him: No la.. that place is just so small

SO it was not him.. then WHO? That person knows KOK JIN some more.. geez.. must be KOK JIN's secret admirer.. and Angel.. if u happen to read this.. pls identify yourself..

Then.. there was the Eating-Spicy-Roasted-Chicken yesterday.. an hour before Cap C got home..

Cooking session with KJ.. I will definitely miss my cooking partner! I better learn how to cook the spinach from him.

Cutting,skinning,deboning chicken session with KJ.. He's the only one who's rajin enough to do that..

Then.. basically thats it.. all in the room though last night.. I passed out early.. waking up in between because I was defragmenting my second baby.. and scanning her.. at the same time replying KJ's text and he insisted that Mr Sultan said REFLUX SYMPATHETIC DYSTROPHY.. because earlier on he asked me.. if know anything about that.. and I said.. it's REFLEX.. notREFLUX..

Good luck.. people! Study well.. and hard.. keep going.. and You can do it! Also sleep early!

Howdy all!


Wow...I couldn't believe for a second that it has been more than a month since the residents started blogging. Congrats to the five of us. We've done well. We did indeed.

I'm listening to FM 88.80 at the moment. Not your typical contemporary music. More like your grandparents' choice of music. I don't know why but I'm kind of in the mood of listening to these oldies-classical-Frank-Sinatra-plus-others type of music. Makes me feel ever so nostalgic.

I just knew about this new info. So, just in case if you haven't heard of it, the new capital of Myanmar is Naypyidaw or 'seat of kings'. I have to go to Myanmar...

A few more hours being 21 years old


Six hours and 30 minutes left. I'm going to miss being 21. I thank God for all the blessings that He has given me. I put my life in your hand Lord. God bless

April Fool


So, it's April 1st and we're supposed to joke around or prank around or do something stupid and then laugh to the best you can. The golden rule is nobody should get mad. Well, this applies mostly to the victims. Anyway, I was trying to think of something that I can do or write on this beloved-and at the same time 'behated'-day to my dear housemates and readers. Something funny. Something that I wouldn't be forgiven if I do it on any other day of the year but April 1st. I can't think of any. This blank brain of mine couldn't come up with anything at all. Poor old brain. Poor old 21st-century 21-year-old brain of mine. Hey, somehow that reminds me of Sheryl Crows'Sweet Child of Mine. Let's sing "Sweet Brain of Mine" to the tune of Sheryl Crows' Sweet Child of Mine. Come on now... Yeah, I don't know what to do. Such a waste. This ought to be a day that I laugh. Laugh at people. Laugh at them being fooled. Hehehehe.

Since there'll no April Fool from me...well, not really. I did come up with something. It is in the form of a history lesson. The history of April Fool. Read it all here. There's also something on Google's Hoaxes. If you couldn't be bothered to read them, at least read about the Google MentelPlex joke by Google in 2000. If you're too lazy to even go there and read them, here's how Wikipedia explains the MentelPlex.

2000: Google MentalPlex
Google announced a new "MentalPlex" search technology that supposedly read the user's mind to determine what the user wanted to search for, thus eliminating the step of actually typing in the search query. Of its origins, Google comments that "As with the Internet itself, MentalPlex began as a highly classified Dept. of Defense initiative under the direction of Al Gore." [1] In the FAQ, Google co-founder Larry Page said that "typing in queries is so 1999." In reality, clicking on the given link to activate the "MentalPlex" search leads to a page displays a phony error followed by Google search results for "April Fool's".

'Errors' displayed by Google MentalPlex:

Error 144: That information was lost with the Martian Lander. Please try again.
Error 01: Brainwaves received in analog. Please re-think in digital.
Error 005: Searching on this topic is prohibited under international law.
Error 008: Interference detected. Remove aluminum foil and remote control devices.
Error 8P: Unclear on whether your search is about money or monkeys. Please try again.
Error: Insufficient conviction. Please clap hands 3 times, while chanting "I believe" and try again.
Error CKR8: That information is protected under the National Security Act.
Error 666: Multiple transmitters detected. Silence voices in your head and try again.
Error 006: Query is unclear. Try again after removing hat, glasses and shoes.
Error 001: Weak or no signal detected. Upgrade transmitter and retry.
Error: MentalPlex(tm) has determined that this is not your final answer. Please try again.

I really like the 'Insufficient conviction. Please clap hands 3 times, while chanting "I wbelieve" and try again' response. You know what? I can imagine the response residents of 136 will get when we use it.

Error 136: Unable to determine the real query. Please stop thinking about exams and try again.

I think for KJ it'll something like this.

Error K136J: Your search - "Have to wake up at 6.00am tomorrow. Have to wake up at 6.00am tomorrow. Have to wake up at 6.00am tomorrow" - did not match any documents.


  • Get enough sleep before start searching
  • Clear head of thinking about surgical attachment

Yeah, I'm smiling to myself now. Have I gone crazy?

April Fool sure is fun but there's more to April than April Fool. In fact, one particular date in April is more important than anything else. It's the day of the celebration of the birth of the most wonderful child. Every year, on the 3rd of April, people come together and bring wondeful gifts to celebrate the child's birth. It is day that if not celebrated would bring misfortunes to people around the child the whole year. The only way to end the misfortunes would be to give even more wonderful gifts for the next birthday. Yeah...

BTW, I'm turning 22 this coming Monday...

*Hint hint

Amo Brasil


That's "I love Brazil" in Portuguese. And I want to go there...

Rio de Janeiro Virtual

*Translation by Free Translation seems that this weekend is going to be friendship weekend. Look at the previous two posts. You guys wanna talk 'bout mushy mushy stuffs? You got it.

Here goes... I love you all. You're the best. Nice food you guys cook. Mel with her honey chicken. Hot curry from Fla. KJ can cook anything. Annie...when was the last time you cook? Friends are friends. Just friends. Best friends are best friends. Like family. Best housemates are like none other. They humiliate and are humiliated. They talk and they listen. Cook and eat together. Annoy each other. Take the blame. Teach and learn. The list goes on...


That's all the mushy mushy stuffs you guys gonna get from me. I can't take it anymore. It doesn't go well with me. I can't talk about it. What more write about it. My head almost cracks...hehehe. But just to complete what I've started, here's a video by Vitamin C. It's Graduation (Friends Forever).

Speaking of Vitamin C, I have a funny story I want to share with all of you. It's a true story. Happened to my secondary classmate. As with other artists, it took a while for Vitamin C to get well-known after releasing her first single. Well, this particular friend of mine heard Vit C's single and straight away took a liking to her song. So, this friend decided to buy that single. Mind you, at the moment, maybe just 0.00000000000001%* of the world populations knew of the existence of Vit C (the artist). This friend then went to the most happening record store in town and below was the conversion my friend had with the assistant.

My friend: I'd like to buy Vitamin C, please.

Record store assistant: (Smiling) We don't have Vitamin C. But we do have Vitamin D. (Burst out laughing)

My friend: (Face turning red) !!!!??*&(%&%#@*#(&%$Q@#!!!

Well, my friend didn't say that outloud but just left that record store. The record store assistant obviuosly didn't know about Vit C or just wanted to fool around. My friend was pissed off. My friend did buy Vit C's album, a few weeks later. When this friend told me the story, I couldn't stop laughing. It was funny...

*This is just an estimate, though I'm pretty sure that it is a good and almost-accurate estimation.

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  • Mel
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  • A toast to Mel
  • Working in Malaysia
  • The Aftermath
  • Back in Malaysia for Good
  • A new beginning
  • Just For Laughs...I really love M'sia
  • Sushi
  • Living in Ballinasloe
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